Modern facial rejuvenation method

skin rejuvenation machine

With age, the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles appear. Many women find this aging process very painful and of course, they want to slow it down and delay it to a later date. Modern aesthetics and plastic surgery offer many ways of rejuvenation. Some methods allow you to achieve the desired effect in a very short time.

Since modern facial rejuvenation methods in salons are introduced in large numbers, today I will talk about some of them:

stem cells

Facial rejuvenation in the salon with stem cells is a promising new method. Stem cells have a positive effect on the entire body. One not only reduces wrinkles, tightens the skin of the face and neck, but also improves overall health, and metabolism is restored. But not everything is cloudless this way.

Cell medicine has only recently begun to develop, and the consequences of introducing stem cells into the body have not been fully studied. Some studies show that when they enter the human body, they can cause the development of cancerous tumors.

Optical rejuvenation

This method is aimed at rejuvenating the epidermis with the help of a beam of light. The treatment is done in several sessions and gives long-lasting positive results.

Right after the first exposure, small wrinkles are completely erased, deep wrinkles are also reduced. Age spots disappear, tighten, increase elasticity, improve skin tone. This method is very popular, as it is harmless and painless. Each session lasts an average of 15-20 minutes.

The downside of photo-rejuvenation is that rejuvenation does not affect the entire body, but only the skin. In addition, the method is contraindicated for people who eat clumsy, pregnant women. It can not be used for blood and skin diseases, cancer. It is often used in conjunction with other youth restoration methods.

Fractional laser

Fractional laser is the best treatment for skin problems. With the help of a special nozzle, there are a large number of microscopic holes, its particles are removed, and the cells of neighboring areas are restored. The lifting effect is achieved because during the healing process the tissues tighten and the skin tone increases. For a visible effect, you need to go through 3-5 standard procedures.


Biorehabilitation is widely practiced in cosmetology. Hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin using a syringe or laser. After that, small nodules will appear near the eyes. They will disappear after 1-2 days. The oval of the face becomes clearer, its color is improved, and the skin is tighter.


This method is based on the introduction of biologically active substances under the skin by micro-injection method. After the procedure, the regenerative functions of the epidermis are restored. With the help of mesotherapy, you can not only get rid of wrinkles and improve the shape of an oval face, but also cure acne and cellulite. But before deciding to use mesotherapy, it is necessary to be aware of possible allergic reactions. In addition, this method cannot be used on important dates.

Deep peeling

With the help of deep exfoliation, a layer of dead cells is removed from the surface of the skin, which promotes cell renewal. Using this method, acne, small wrinkles, small defects on the skin are effectively removed. However, the traumatic nature of this approach needs to be taken into account. Deep peels should only be performed in a special salon by highly qualified specialists. This procedure is quite painful, so it is done under local anesthesia.

Cosmetic Surgery

This is a radical and highly effective rejuvenation method. Almost all famous artists and the public use it. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, the skin is tightened, eliminating wrinkles and folds that have formed. The effect of plastic surgery can be noticed almost immediately and lasts from 5-7 years. This method is methodical, has contraindications and potential for complications.

Chemical shell

Through this procedure, the upper layers of the epidermis are removed using various acids (phenol, trichloroacetic acid and others). The acid is applied to the skin in a thin layer. Under their influence, the top layer is removed and old cells are removed. As a result, wrinkles, acne and pimples disappear. Skin cells are activated, their renewal process is restored.

Biogels and golden thread

These products are also used in facial and neck rejuvenation techniques. Special bio-stimulants are introduced into the subcutaneous layer, helping to even out skin tone, tighten and smooth wrinkles, and activate the formation of skin proteins. With the help of golden threads, a frame is formed that prevents the skin from sagging. These are modern and effective ways of rejuvenation.

Anti-Aging Mask

This is the simplest and most popular facial rejuvenation method today. With the help of natural substances contained in the mask, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes more elastic, the color is improved. Such products are easy to prepare at home and use 2-3 times a week.

ELOS rejuvenation

This method has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is based on a combination of exposure to light energy and radio currents. Rejuvenation technology helps to eliminate age spots, minor skin imperfections, acne, pimples and fine lines. But the process is quite painful and causes redness of the skin.

Raise radio waves

Radiofrequency rhinoplasty is completely painless, unlike previous procedures. It is based on heating the tissues of the epidermis with a high-frequency electric current. As a result, there is an activation of metabolism and blood flow, as well as an increase in the production of the components responsible for skin tightening. After the treatment, wrinkles are reduced and the skin becomes elastic. The duration of the session is 25-30 minutes. The effects of exposure can last up to two years.

Instant Lift

Instant lifting is done through a technique called LPG. This is a mechanical massage therapy that reduces the depth of wrinkles and reduces puffiness on the face. The effect is very pleasant, and its effect is simply amazing. After 20-30 minutes of massage, the facial muscles are relaxed and the skin tone is even.

Microcurrent therapy

Another method is microcurrent therapy, which is aimed at working the muscles of the face. Their decrease and increase in blood circulation is caused by alternating current, which affects the nerve endings. During microcurrent treatment, a woman may feel a slight tingling in the areas of contact with the electrodes. Then it is possible to notice how the "frame" of the face is strengthened, the eyebrows are raised and the cheekbones become higher. The effect can last up to two months.

Softening massage

The massage tightens the skin perfectly. This technique is one of the most conservative and lies in the fact that the dermis is subjected to vigorous rubbing for 15 minutes. Massage helps to get rid of small wrinkles and has a positive effect on the muscles.

These are not all ways to help skin become younger and more attractive. There are more modern methods of rejuvenation. Before choosing any of them, it's better to learn how to prevent signs of aging. To do this, take care of your skin, clean it in time, use high-quality creams and cosmetics, and observe your facial expressions. Then you may not need rejuvenation procedures for the foreseeable future.